ICT, Project Management and Testing

A senior testing team with many years of industry experience can dispatch tasks at any time according to project needs

About Us

We are a team with rich experience in international market communications and consumer electronics product testing,

  • Serving the North American market for more than 15 years
  • Has rich and successful experience in US operator projects
  • Have a mature project management and testing team
  • Can achieve localized team support to quickly serve products and customers in North America
  • Covering various tests such as 3G/LTE/5G, function, field test and automated test

Our team members are senior experts with many years of industry experience in different fields. They can dispatch tasks at any time according to the needs of customers' projects, conduct comprehensive tests on applications from the perspective of systems and users, and provide standard test definitions within the product life cycle. , design and implementation. At the same time, the project manager will be responsible for requirements and communication, formulate an overall test plan, grasp the test progress, ensure the quality of delivery, and actively solve any problems in the test process

Our Team

Possess a full range of testing services, covering the complete application life cycle test design capabilities, multi-dimensional testing to ensure product quality

  • TAM

    more than 15 years experiences with AT&T, Verizon, TMO, USCC, consumer Cellular etc. Assist customers’ technical requests and take care of any technical issues, build strong customer relationships, especially with key customer stakeholders and sponsors always strive to provide exceptional customer experience manage customer expectation and lead them to customer satisfaction

  • Test manager

    Responsible for the arrangement and follow-up of the project progress and risk control, internal and external communication and operator customer communication, delivery arrangement

  • Test team management, follow-up execution of test tasks, coordination and communication of test issues, analysis of technical issues

  • Execute test cases and assist test engineers to complete test execution

  • Test plan design

  • Test Design, Requirements Analysis

  • Test case design and execution




Enable real-world testing across all your devices and platforms (handsets, MBB, wearable and other electronic devices) like performance, scalability, and reliability, software functionalities, Friend user trial (FUT), automation of on live network, identify issues ahead of production, continuously and more closely mirror and improve the customer experience

System Consulting

Supported by a professional testing team, experts with more than 3-5 years of testing experience provide exclusive testing consulting services, and conduct full-scenario testing design from the perspective of users, providing one-stop projects for all wireless communication products and Internet of Things products to enter the North American market test solution


provide internal and external network communication, public and private cloud, data management, office system automation management, overall security solutions, environmental monitoring, automatic patrol Inspection, energy saving and intelligent learning platforms such as AIoT for factory sites, hospitals, nursing homes, retail stores, large buildings, schools, etc.

Lab and certification

IoT test lab/ GCF/ PTCRB test lab BT-SIG, Wi-Fi Alliance, NFC certification test 3rd pre-LE testing,Laboratory test follow-up, version upgrade, verification and log analysis, operator specification and use case set, regression test and defect verification. Provide on-site support in the testing Labs in the US, and handle communication and issue trouble-shooting

PM, tester recruitment and training

Requirements assessment, requirements verification, functional use case design, interactive test execution. Localized test equipment, real network in the region. Help overseas products to complete tests such as localized experience, localized payment, localized function, localized compliance, localized translation, and localized network. Provide project management services for ODMs in the US, interface directly with Labs and customers, and help achieve on-time carrier technical approval for Stock/MVNO/BYOD projects


Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, we will get back to you shortly.